Walking, Revisited

Hello again, friends. For your enjoyment and education I have included in this post a video of my last treadmill session. After I finished my inpatient rehab at the Shepherd Center last October, I enrolled in a research study as part of the NeuroRecovery Network. The NRN is a faculty of the Christopher Reeve Foundation that provides spinal cord injury patients access to treadmill therapy training. All this therapy obviously did not make me walk, but it provided ancillary benefits such as improved circulation, vertical tolerance, better blood pressure regulation, and sustained range of motion. For me, it was wonderful to be able to stand and walk every day, however artificial it may have been. I apologize for the poor video quality… I’ll try to work on that for the next video. Enjoy!

25 thoughts on “Walking, Revisited

  1. What a great opportunity for you! The benefits of weight bearing on your skeleton must be priceless! Keep up the great work!

  2. I admire all the hard work you have done and are doing -Such an inspiration! Looking forward to more updats. (Ben’s Granny)

  3. NRN, this smile is for you! Powerful stuff to watch when traffic seems like an issue. Jay, keep posting and we will keep learning.

  4. Amazing!! What a great facility and a great team to work with each day. Your new Duke family is ready for Friday!!! Let’s get this new adventure started.

  5. Way to go Jay! What pleasure to see you so actively engaged in your rehabilitation. Anyone who doesn’t see this process as a manifestation of athletics is a couch potato. Judy birge

  6. Oh Jay! So glad to see that great smile!!! I just watched the waterskiing video also! Love the music with it! Good luck at Duke!

  7. I have to say seeing you on that Treadmill with all those wonderful young people helping you and all of you smiling made me cry. Bernadette emailed me yesterday from Duke to say she is a part of the TEAM of RAs waiting for you. Your buildings are next door to eachother. So you are not alone….a lot of people are looking forward to your arrival at Duke….I hope to perhaps come down and visit if ever that would work out for you….

  8. I loved it! Great smile Jay and I also watched the water skiiing video – I loved the music and what incrediable people who volunteered to help create that beautiful smile. Keep posting and I’ll keep reading/watching/ and learning! 🙂

  9. You continue to inspire. I will save these blogs with videos with hopes of inspiring my students when they want to give up! Keep up the good work and Good Luck at with school as you begin the new school year at Duke.

  10. okay, that just exhausted ME! physical therapists must look forward to a good nights sleep every night-they need it!! so great to witness your tenacity jay!

  11. Jay, I attended the open house yesterday of the new I U Health Neuroscience Center at Methodist Hospital. As you may already know, they have a high tech out patient rehab center. They have a Lokomat, as seen in this video, it’s the only one in the state of Indiana.

  12. Dear Jay, you are in my prayers daily. I am so proud of all you have accomplished! My neighbor has A grandson you will be meeting named D’amico. I will send all this new info on to her tonight. You are an inspiration to all. Judi Bowes. Hilton Head,SC

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